Tiny Tigers ( Age 3 – 6) Program
About Our Programs

Tiny Tigers – ( Age 3 – 6)
TUESDAY – THURSDAY Tigers 5:00 pm- 5:30 pm
Get Started Today!
Our Tiny Tigers program is a detailed curriculum that focuses on improving pre- school age children's basic motor, listening and socialization skills. We believe that the time between the ages of 3 and 6 are the most important years of a child's development. Our program will enhance positive development in a fun and motivating way.
There is a sticker OR treat incentive program in place to persuade wild tigers to play by the rules. As for belts, tigers do not test but receive occasional stripes or new belts to denote time in and leadership skills. The program instruction is based upon the POSITIVE DIALOG RESPONSE method, so that your child will always feel successful, even if disciplined.
Help to make your kids "Bully Proof" by starting them at The Academy as a tiny tiger. The self image and inner strength they develop through training with us will set the stage for a stronger more self-reliant child, one who will be less apt to bend to the will of their peers.
So sign up now For our 2 Month Try and Train Package... train for 2 months for just $170 PLUS RECEIVE A FREE $50 Uniform just for giving us a try. If you love it, then you won't have to buy a uniform because we already gave you one! Simple is better... Join the Academy Now ~